
Frequently Asked Questions

Is Phantomedge legit?

Phantomedge is a legal investment company incorporated in the United Kingdom..

How to create a new account?

It’s not difficult at all. Click on the following button, fill in the registration form. Click Here to create a new account.

May I create more than one account?

No. you are allowed to create only one account. For special situations please contact our Customer Support.

How to change my password?

Enter your account and change your password in “Edit Account” section..

Can I change my email?

No. You cannot change your email.

What do I need in order to start??

First, you should register on our web-site. The registration procedure is simple and will take just a few minutes. Fill all required fields in registration form, login to account, choose an investment plan and deposit your account. After that you'll become an official investor of the Phantomedge Company and will receive a profit according to the service plan chosen.

What payment systems do you use?

We accept USDT and other cryptocurrencies.

Who manages the funds?

Our team of investment experts manage all the funds.

What is the minimum and maximum deposit amount?

The minimum deposit amount is $200. Maximum - UNLIMITED.

What is the minimum withdrawal amount?

The minimum withdrawal amount is $10

How to withdraw funds?

You can withdraw your money in your personal account in the Withdraw Section

How quickly can the request of the money withdrawal be processed?

All payments request be process instantly and automatically.

Do you have any withdrawal limits?

No. We don't have any withdrawal limits and it is totally free of charge.

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes, 5%.

Do you pay a referral commission for a deposit from a balance account?

No. You receive referral commission only for deposits from payment systems.